Monday, June 28, 2010

Pueblo Chieftain - Sunday June 27th

Fort Carson, critics fight over heavier Pinon use

Fort Carson will be sending two battalions of the 4th Infantry Division to the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site in August for several weeks of training — signaling an Army effort to increase its use of the 238,000-acre training ground, even as critics argue that effort defies a U.S. federal court ruling last year.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Trinidad Times on Festival and John Salazar

Investigation sought on PCMS funding ban, court order

U.S. Rep John Salazar addressed the Piñon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition's (PCEOC) festival in Kim on Saturday afternoon. The festival also included regional artwork, music and a barbecue.
Randy Woock, Staff writer, TTi
  •  June 22, 2010

U.S. Representative John Salazar called Thursday for an investigation into allegations that the U.S. Army is in violation of a federal funding ban on expansion attempts, as well allegedly defying a federal court order calling the Army out on the insufficiency of the 2007 environmental impact statement the Army had tried to use to justify its Record of Decision (ROD) to expand the Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site (PCMS).

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pueblo Chieftain on candidate statements at Festival

Pols rail against expansion

Tells crowd they are ‘patriotic’ for opposing Army's plans.
KIM — Candidates and elected officials from across party lines stood united Saturday against the proposed expansion of the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site.  Billed as the Pinon Canyon Preservation Festival, members of the Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition invited several politicians to speak.

All speakers agreed the threat of the proposed expansion of the 238,000-acre maneuver site east of Trinidad looms over the entire region.

"Don't ever let anyone tell you that it is un-American to stand up for your ranches and farms. Don't you ever let anyone tell you that you are un-American," U.S. Rep. John Salazar told the crowd of more than 100 people.

The Colorado Democrat said that without farms and ranches the country is dead.  "As long as I am in Washington (D.C.) the Army will not expand its Pinon Canyon," Salazar said drawing applause from the crowd.

Pinon Canyon Preservation Festival was held June 19, 2010

It was a success!! Many, many supporters were there and the candidates and office holders that presented their positions were greatly appreciated. BIG thanks to all that put so much time and effort into making this event possible-from the artists and their beautiful works to the cooks and helpers in the kitchen to the band and the poet to the techical experts and the laborers and all the rest. Thanks to everyone and thanks to those that attended, brought desserts and made this event a success!!

Check out our  FB page for more info and pictures


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

CCA Gubernatorial Town Hall June 15th

The Colorado Cattleman's Association held a town hall for Colorado gubernatorial candidates yesterday in Pueblo and there were positions and discussions on the pinon canyon issue by all three candidates.

From Steve Wooten, CCA Board and VP for PCEOC:

We, PCEOC, Had a good day!

Dan Maes emphatically announced that he opposed any expansion of the PCMS.  He received the only audience applause during several points in his presentation.

John Hickenlooper announced that he opposed the expansion of PCMS.  (After having met with landowners and PCEOC on Sunday the13th he determined that the ranchers/agriculture would always have his support against the expansion.)

Scott McInnis announced that he believed that Eminent Domain should not be used by the military and that any landowner has the right to sell to anyone they so choose. He got off this topic as fast as he could while the others explained their decision to defend the ranchers and communities of SE Colorado.

Thank you all,


Monday, June 14, 2010

Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition

Preservation Festival Newsletter

June 2010 Newsletter


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Press Release: Candidates to present views on the expansion of Pinon Canyon

Pinon Canyon Preservation Festival June 19th in Kim

Public invited to listen and to view displays, eat BBQ and more!

For immediate release June 7, 2010 

For more information, contact:
Lon Robertson, 719-980-5114
Steve Wooten, 719-384-5813

KIM, Colorado—The Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition will be hosting an event called the ‘Pinon Canyon Preservation Festival’ from 1pm to 8pm on June 19th, in Kim, CO. Besides information and art displays at multiple locations in the town of Kim, there will be a BBQ dinner, music, poets and a silent auction. This festival will also be an opportunity for many elected officials and candidates to present their views and proposed actions relative to ending the expansion of Pinon Canyon.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

June 19th 2010 Preservation Festival taking shape!

The Pinon Canyon Preservation Festival is taking shape!  The event slated for the afternoon of June 19th will have a lot of things for people to see, watch and listen too.  With multiple venues (locations) in the town of Kim there will be many options for people to consider.  From listening to a Cowboy poet to listening to individual and duet singers/guitar players or hearing what many candidates positions are relative to Pinon Canyon expansion.

Check out FB postings and/or sign up to let us know you're attending!  CLICK HERE

Attendees will have also have great opportunities to look at (and even buy) artwork from artists from all over the region that have compiled a significant number of works with the subject of Pinon Canyon.  Displays of family history and heritage from the region will be available in a third venue and presentations relative habitat preservation, eco-region facts and more can be found as well.

That evening - beginning at 5pm will be a BBQ sandwich meal as well as a silent auction of items donated to the Coalition for the purpose of supporting our efforts to keep the expansion from ever happening!

So we hope to see you there to spend the afternoon with us and support our efforts to permanently stop the expansion of PCMS!!!


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