Monday, December 27, 2010

PCEOC Resolution supporting our troops

A resolution expressing the Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition's, (PCEOC) support for the U.S. troops and their families.

WHEREAS, men and women in the military are making huge sacrifices and enduring
            extreme hardships both during military service and when they return to civilian
            life after their service; and

WHEREAS, the physical, psychological and spiritual well-being of current service
            members and veterans should be one of our highest national priorities; and

WHEREAS, 44% of those serving in the military are from rural America, while only 
            22% of the American population lives in rural America; and

WHEREAS, the men and women serving in the military should never be used for
            public relations purposes to promote private economic interests or to advance
            the real estate acquisition agendas of the Department of Defense;


1.         Supports the U.S. troops currently serving, as well as those that have previously
            served, and their families, irrespective of Department of Defense plans for the
            expansion of the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site.

2.         Welcomes military personnel and their families into our Southeastern Colorado
            Communities, irrespective of any Army promises of financial rewards or benefits
            which might accrue to our region.

3.         Will work to advance the physical, psychological and spiritual well-being of U.S.
            troops and veterans irrespective of Administration or Department of Defense

ADOPTED by the Board of Directors, Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition this 27th day of December, 2010.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Election still results in support seen for southeast Colorado

Even while we are losing a committed fighter of no expansion and supporter of rural values in John Salazar we have maintained other elected positions, and have even gained others as we fight for our rights.

We have kept many that have fought valiantly and will continue to do so and gained some in other areas ...... and will continue to get support as newly elected officials become more aware of the real dangers and loss to this Country if any expansion is allowed.

Newly elected Las Animas County Commissioner Mack Louden will continue the fight...

State Rep Wes McKinley will continue the fight...

State Rep Sal Pace will continue the fight...

Newly elected State Senator Kevin Grantham has vowed to continue the fight....

Newly elected Governor elect Hickenlooper is standing with us......(his statement below)
Protecting Colorado's Ranchers: A Position on Pinon Canyon: As most ranchers and livestock operators in Colorado know, there is a great deal of concern about the Army's plans to expand the boundaries of Fort Carson's training facilities at Pinon Canyon in southern Colorado. It is not enough to oppose the use of eminent domain (condemnation) at Pinon Canyon. In an already fragile economy, it is not fair to add more pressure to landowners in the area. That is why we support the state legislative ban on the lease or transfer of state lands for expansion, why we support the Congressional moratorium on expansion activities and why we are opposed to the additional loss of productive land in agriculture and livestock production that would follow from Army expansion. It is important for the communities most impacted by the Army's planned expansion in Southern Colorado to have the ultimate say in whether they would agree to any expansion proposal. It has been clear to us that so far, communities in Southern Colorado are adamantly opposed to the loss of this land (even through leasing) and we believe Colorado's next Governor must stand with them.
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