Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Next meeting - Thursday at the Springs - Crowne Plaza at 6pm

Both of the first two of three scheduled public comment meetings this week were well attended and many important statements were made and entered into the record.

Monday night in Trinidad there were more people to comment than the time allowed - Good Job all!
An article in the Pueblo Chieftain on Monday night's meeting in Trinidad can be read HERE 

Last night in La Junta, Jim Herrell with Otero Jr College and Not 1 More Acre! put it into context when he said, "well, here we are again.  And again.  And again.  And again.  And again." 

He is absolutely on target as we have done this many, many times before and will continue to do it if we have to.  'Enough is enough' is appropriate but we MUST ALSO KEEP OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS informed and get them to end this or we will keep on 'meeting this way'.

Our efforts to keep the Army at bay have always been successful because we are able to use these meetings and other ways to publicly raise awareness of the problems with every step the Army takes to try to expand PCMS. 

Thank you to all who made it out to the first two meetings - we hope to see you Thursday in Colorado Springs at the Crowne Plaza hotel!  

Don't forget to sign your Private Property Airspace Declaration sheet and get to us!   Mail it to:  PCEOC, P.O. Box 137, Kim, CO 81049.  We'll forward it to our elected officials as well as the Army!

Other Blogs on this issue:

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Army is committed to building community trust- rrriiigghhhttt

From their EA page 1-5:

1 (the)"Army is committed to open decision-making and building community trust."
[PCEOC: then why have they already made up their mind to implement the final decision?  The first week of Jan they sent out a Section 106 consultation to our Counties for CAB training exercises planned at the PCMS. As would be expected they determined there would be no adverse effects. This is the perfect example of their belief that they can do anything they want, as long as they check things off of their to do list.  Doesn't help our trust whatsoever....... does it yours?]

5"EA/Draft FNSI for public review. These notices will announce that the public has additional
6 opportunities to participate in the analysis and decision-making process for CAB stationing
7 implementation by: (1) providing two public comment periods;
[PCEOC: Want to truly 'participate in the decision-making process'? Then come to the meetings and make your comments - get them documented and recorded - AND THEN COPY EVERYTHING TO OUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES AND CALL THEM AND FAX THEM - THEY CAN PUT A HOLD ON THE WHOLE PROCESS IF THEY REALLY WANT TO REPRESENT ALL OF US!  The Army doesn't care - never will - if you want to change something get it in writing, and push our reps to do their jobs]

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Army CAB Plans Ignore Fed Courts - January 2012

Your comments are needed!!!


Fort Carson is soon to receive more Federal Dollars (your tax dollars) to bring/create another Combat Aviation Brigade at Ft Carson and Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site.

They've done an Environmental Assessment that says it won't cause any harm and public comment on that 'EA' is open through January. Download the EA HERE

Fort Drum in NY has a CAB with drones now as well.
Fort Riley in KS has a CAB already and will receive their drones in March.
So if Fort Carson gets a CAB then the drones will surely follow - but the EA doesn't mention that.
  • The overall cost of the CAB is estimated to be in excess of $4 billion.  Over $700 million of that is for construction at Fort Carson.  The rest is for all the helicopters, drones and ground vehicles etc.
  • In a time of budget cuts in general and in the Pentagon budget in particular  how does this make sense?  What are the priorities of our congressional folks who are pushing this?
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