Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Season's greetings and best wishes for the New Year!!

To all of those who have been so steadfast in their support of PCEOC and the efforts to keep our rights and our homes protected from needless destruction:

There is no time
more fitting to say
~ Thank You ~ 

and to wish you
a Happy Holiday Season
and a New Year of health,
happiness and prosperity.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Special Interests infect McInnis' agenda.....

Who does Scott McInnis work for?

We already know that he works for Hogan & Hartson, Washington D.C.'s largest law/lobbying firm, http://www.hhlaw.com/smcinnis/, Whose clients include Lockheed Martin and other defense contractors. http://www.hhlaw.com/aerospace/

But on top of that he is one of six consultants working for Armor Designs Inc., a company that "is developing next generation armor for today's combat missions and for Future Combat System programs." http://www.armordesigns-ir.co.uk/content/about/advisory.asp

Not surprising that McInnis' agenda isn't concerned with what is in the best interests for the State of Colorado but instead is running for office solely for the purpose of more personal gain.  And he doesn't care who he uses as treads in the stair climb to his 'platform for prosperity'.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Temporay Funding Ban still in place (at least for one more year)

The temporary ban to keep funds from being used to expand the Pinon Canyon maneuver site has been extended for one more year.....

Thanks again to our 'hero' Rep John Salazar for getting the ban attached to the House version of the Omnibus Appropriations Act for FY10 and for the support of Rep Markey, Senators Udall and Bennet to get it secured in Conference committee. The Omnibus Appropriations Act will be voted on by the House and the Senate before years end.

We trust those that have supported us so well will continue to push the permanent ban that is so desperately needed and for John Salazar to receive the colleague support necessary to put that in place (that was missing earlier this year).


Monday, December 7, 2009

McInnis says 'do no harm' principle 'key' yet his actions say otherwise

Well, it seems hypocrisy is one of the key components for Mr. McInnis to run for office.

He recently stated "There are some general criteria or general principles I think you have to have in your vision. Number one; do no harm... Don't do harm to industry that's so important to Colorado; for example, the natural gas industry."

He apparently doesn't consider agriculture as an 'industry' deserving of his 'do no harm' principle. 

He criticizes Gov Ritter for doing harm to the energy and military sectors while he proposes doing harm to Colorado's second largest economic contributor, agriculture. That's right - second largest economic contributor.  And the 6.9 million acre area targeted for expansion by the Army (that's more than 10,000 square miles) produces food for almost a million people.

Does this sound like he is 'sticking to his principles' when he advocates for the Pinon Canyon expansion that will result in the loss of a quarter of the states second largest industry; along with more than 17,000 people; along with food production for a million people?  That's 'doing no harm'?

Can't say we agree with McInnis' obvious idea that our part of the Colorado economy is expendable - along with all of us.


Friday, December 4, 2009

A Senate candidate that will stand up with our US Reps for a permanent ban?

Apparently so! Former Representative and Colorado Speaker of the House, Andrew Romanoff has the gumption to do what is right and has taken the strongest position against the expansion of Pinon Canyon of anyone in Colorado running for US Senate, or anyone currently acting as US Senator for that matter.

Our US Representative John Salazar, joined by US Rep Betsy Markey have been steadfast in their position against expansion, yet a recent attempt by Congressman John Salazar to get a permanent ban in place failed apparently largely because it was not supported by our Senators Udall and Bennet.

Considering that we are constantly working to get people in office that represent their constituents, and are willing to say that up front we believe that everyone should consider that alone is deserving of our support in the form of votes.

No matter what the affiliation if a candidate is against expansion and willing to put a permanent ban in place then he/she should get our no expansion votes.  Conversely if any candidate is working to push the expansion agenda we believe we should work to keep him/her out of office to protect our rights.

Here's today's Chieftain article on Mr. Romanoff:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Lawmakers seek to extend Pinon Canyon ban

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