Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition vehemently against candidate McInnis
Defending against the Pinon Canyon expansion requires we use our voices and power of vote to keep him out of office.
For immediate release
Contact: Lon Robertson 719-980-5114
Steve Wooten 719-384-5813
KIM, Colorado (October 12, 2009)-
Representatives of PCEOC again met with Scott McInnis in Walsenburg last week, in an effort to explain directly to Mr. McInnis that he was misleading the public with statements such as 'it's not the majority of residents down there that are against expansion' and other remarks that belittle all of our opposition efforts. Then to find today that he has placed a false statement on his website stating, "It was great to again meet with local ranchers who were justifiably upset by the Governor's needless legislation attacking military jobs." This statement is entirely fictitious as no ranchers were there that weren't against the expansion of PCMS and all of them present actually support the Governor's legislation to protect landowners in southeast CO.
Thus the Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition (PCEOC) will oppose the candidacy of Scott McInnis for governor. McInnis has spoken in favor of Pinon Canyon expansion because "Expansion will create jobs in El Paso County and the I-70 corridor". PCEOC president Lon Robertson pointed out that "McInnis has chosen the military industrial complex over the property rights, agricultural economy, and future of Southeast Colorado. We are a non-partisan organization. We are not endorsing any candidate, but we do feel compelled to counter the position of this candidate. The federalization of Colorado's land and the militarization of the state's economy are not the answer to our financial problems."
Robertson added: "We are defending our region of Colorado against a direct assault. McInnis believes that it's okay to sacrifice our part of the state for the benefit of defense contractors in Aurora and Colorado Springs. A gubernatorial aspirant should be thinking about the interests of the state as whole; not destroying one region to benefit another."
McInnis has given up the pretext that Pinon Canyon expansion is about National Defense. He says "Ft Carson [Pinon Canyon] expansion is about jobs, jobs, jobs". Grady Grissom, a PCEOC board member, observed that McInnis' position is ironic for a conservative. "Ultimately all wealth is created in the private sector. McInnis is proposing the destruction of private businesses and the federalization of private lands in order to subsidize local economies with federal tax dollars. I don't see that as a conservative position."
PCEOC members include significant numbers of veterans and residents with sons and daughters that are actively serving in the military. Robertson pointed out that, "Our patriotic membership resents McInnis' attempt to use our military as an economic development tool. We support our troops. We fully expect our military to properly train our men and women in uniform, and we believe the mission of our troops is to defend this country, not to prop up local economies."
Robertson says that PCEOC plans to mobilize its extensive statewide network in opposition to McInnis' candidacy. "We are fighting for the future of our community and our country and we are asking everyone that opposes the expansion to also oppose Mr. McInnis in his bid for office."
Army planning documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act show a multi-phased Pinon Canyon acquisition strategy which would ultimately displace over 17,000 people within 6.9 million acres of Southeastern Colorado. PCEOC is intent on protecting our land, our homes and our way of life.
The Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition is a broad-based coalition representing communities across Southern Colorado in their opposition to the proposed expansion of PCMS. Bi-partisan PCEOC members include business owners, teachers, students, elected officials, ranchers, environmentalists and many others.
The coalition is united in its opposition to any expansion of PCMS. No funding, no expansion.
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