Monday, December 7, 2009

McInnis says 'do no harm' principle 'key' yet his actions say otherwise

Well, it seems hypocrisy is one of the key components for Mr. McInnis to run for office.

He recently stated "There are some general criteria or general principles I think you have to have in your vision. Number one; do no harm... Don't do harm to industry that's so important to Colorado; for example, the natural gas industry."

He apparently doesn't consider agriculture as an 'industry' deserving of his 'do no harm' principle. 

He criticizes Gov Ritter for doing harm to the energy and military sectors while he proposes doing harm to Colorado's second largest economic contributor, agriculture. That's right - second largest economic contributor.  And the 6.9 million acre area targeted for expansion by the Army (that's more than 10,000 square miles) produces food for almost a million people.

Does this sound like he is 'sticking to his principles' when he advocates for the Pinon Canyon expansion that will result in the loss of a quarter of the states second largest industry; along with more than 17,000 people; along with food production for a million people?  That's 'doing no harm'?

Can't say we agree with McInnis' obvious idea that our part of the Colorado economy is expendable - along with all of us.


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