Monday, August 30, 2010

Southeast Colorado voters ARE important - just ask McInnis!

McInnis' position in favor of Pinon Canyon expansion cost him the election. Southern Colorado was THE KEY to McInnis' defeat. He lost BIG in Las Animas County and all other counties that would be negatively impacted by an expansion.  In such a close contest the votes of people here MADE THE DIFFERENCE!  Thank you, everyone who voted against McInnis and his pro-expansion position.

The counties of Otero, Baca, Huerfano, Bent, Prowers, Crowley, Kiowa also carried Maes. Those are areas that will be negatively impacted by an expansion. So before anyone writes us off as 'unimportant' politically they need to re-evaluate their assessment!

And another interesting note is that even though the Springs Chamber 'endorsed' McInnis (because of his pro-expansion position) he LOST REALLY BIG IN EL PASO, TELLER COUNTIES......... hmmmmm.

See all counties voting tallies HERE


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