Wednesday, October 27, 2010

John Salazar earns an A+

Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition gives Congressman John Salazar an A+ rating

John Salazar has earned an A+ rating from the PCEOC for his efforts to stop the Pinon Canyon expansion.  He is a candidate that has put his congressional votes and legislative efforts where his mouth is to keep Pinon Canyon from expanding.  He has a proven four year track record no one else has on stopping the Pinon Canyon expansion.

The future of southeastern Colorado hangs in the balance – we survive if Pinon Canyon isn’t expanded – we are eliminated if it does.  The issue has a great many manifestations in property rights, citizens rights, conservation, national defense, community planning, historical preservation, economics, and ethics. 

The only thing that keeps the expansion from happening at this point is the congressional funding ban that originates in the Committee on Military Affairs.  John Salazar worked to get on the Military Affairs Committee and is in a key position to renew the funding ban each year.  If Colorado loses Congressman Salazar’s position on that committee we are concerned the funding ban will not be renewed allowing the expansion to go forward.

Voting FOR John Salazar is a definite vote AGAINST the Pinon Canyon expansion.  


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