Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition presents to Colorado College

PCEOC Press Release

For immediate release

Doug Holdread- doug@holdread.com 719-680-3933
Lon Robertson- lonr@ghvalley.net 719-980-5114

KIM, Colorado (November 1, 2011)- On Thursday, November 3rd, the Colorado College Non-violence Club will host a presentation entitled, "Working Together" by the Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition.  The presentation will focus upon how the Pinon Canyon issue has defied traditional political classifications and employed unusual tactics, bringing together a coalition of ranchers, artists, environmentalists, preservationists and peace activists.   

According to PCEOC board member, Grady Grissom, "The issue touches on the environment, property rights, big government, the military-industrial complex, cultural heritage, and economic development.  It's an ongoing course in civics and political science."

Presenters will include Grissom, an environmentally conscious rancher, Steve Wooten, another rancher who has worked closely with biologists to document the bio-diversity of the region, Rebecca Goodwin, a preservationist who has worked to identify and protect cultural resources at Pinon Canyon, and Doug Holdread, an artist and educator who has mobilized artists to join the cause.  

The presenters will focus upon how the coalition has successfully brought together diverse sectors of the local community in taking on a deeply entrenched federal bureaucracy. They will present an overview of their successes over the past five years and discuss issues which remain unresolved. These include the Department of Defense waiver which authorizes expansion and remains in effect, as well as ongoing concerns about military expansions such as Fort Carson's Combat Aviation Brigade, CAB, and Canon Air Force Base's Special Operations Low Altitude Tactical Aviation, LATN proposal.   

The presentation will take place in the WAS Room in the Worner Center on the Colorado College Campus at 4:30 on Thursday.  

The Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition is a broad-based coalition representing communities across Southern Colorado in their opposition to the proposed military expansion. PCEOC members include business owners, teachers, students, elected officials, ranchers, environmentalists and many others.   

The coalition is united in its opposition to any expansion of PCMS.  No funding, no expansion.   
For more information, please see www.pinoncanyon.com.

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